SIZE: Ø 60 x 4 1/2” (Ø 23.8 x 114 mm)
CIGAR SHAPE: Parejo / Gordito
TASTE LEVEL: Medium to Full
AGE: 4-7 Years Aged High Quality Tobacco
TYPE: Totally Hecho a Mano /Grade Hand Rolled / Long Filler
MASTER BLENDER: Hendrik Kelner
EDITION: Strongly Limited
ORIGIN: Dominican Republic
Box of 12 pieces
Bundle 20 pieces
Zaven by G.P.Grant Cigars epitomizes the art of cigar-making, offering discerning enthusiasts unparalleled handcrafted premium cigars. Here are some distinctive features that define G.P.Grant Cigars:
Exquisite Handmade Long-Filler Cigars: Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a luxurious smoking experience.
Master Blender Henke Kelner: Renowned for his expertise, Henke Kelner meticulously curates each blend, guaranteeing exceptional flavor and complexity.
Legacy of Skilled Cigar Rollers: Crafted by seasoned artisans, each cigar embodies a tradition of excellence and craftsmanship.
Finest Aged Tobacco: Utilizing only the finest aged tobacco sourced from prestigious families, our cigars boast rich and nuanced flavors.
Exclusive Limited Editions: Produced in limited quantities, our cigars offer exclusivity and unmatched quality for aficionados seeking the ultimate smoking experience.
Parejos, the epitome of cylindrical cigars, showcase straight sides and an exposed foot, facilitating easy lighting. Typically necessitating a pre-smoke cut, they are available in both round and box-pressed iterations, with the latter undergoing squaring before packaging.
The Gordito, ranging from 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 inches with a ring gauge of 60 and above, represents a robust and substantial cigar choice. Its shorter length compared to traditional large-format cigars, coupled with its generous ring gauge, provides a bold and flavorful smoking experience. The ample ring gauge allows for a greater amount of tobacco, resulting in a rich and intense flavor profile. Ideal for those seeking a hearty smoke that's sure to leave a lasting impression.
One of the common issues when removing the band is damaging the wrapper, leading to a less enjoyable and challenging smoking experience. For instance, in Zaven by G.P.Grant fine cigars, there is a small tab at the adhesive point shaped like a crown, allowing you to easily grip and remove the band without harming the wrapper.
The flavor of this cigar is incomparably refined, with a rich, textured profile that stays with you. Best Cigars' Finest Pick: Unwrap the excellence with the choicest selection. Dominican cigars.
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