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1024 hand made pieces of stone / bronze / glass

Stone: Tiger Eye

Edition: Special


TABLE TIGER EYE is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, featuring 1024 hand-made pieces meticulously composed of bronze, glass, and the exquisite Tiger Eye stone. This special edition stone furniture is a true work of art, seamlessly blending luxury and nature to create a unique and stunning centerpiece for any space.


Tiger Eye. Origin: South Africa, India

Tiger's Eye is a stone of protection that is also very stabilizing and grounding. All tiger eye stones represent strength and grounding energy in different degrees, depending on the color—golden yellow, deep red, and anything in-between. Tiger eye stones are also believed to have mystical qualities. Different combinations of colors and dark stripes make the stones even more special.



120 days

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    Please familiarize yourself with local tax and customs regulations before placing an order.

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